Feline Fondness

Music, sweet Music. Irreplaceable.

1995 – 2014

See affordable prints in four sizes. Click upon link, museum quality printing

White Cat Named Music
LOVE kittens and have become beyond loyal to cats. (once I disliked felines until I was adopted.)  My only two brother-and-sister cats lived past 18 years and I will never forget them, still dream of them.  Irreplaceable.
Cleverness, stealth, the power of transformation and clairvoyance won me over.  Their agility, watchfulness, and sensual cuddling grabbed my heart!  Beautiful darling creatures will do just that!
Different cultures have regarded cats from honorable to haunting.  The Egyptians worshiped them, thinking they were sacred. Can you believe cats were mummified along with mice for them to eat in the afterlife? (according to the work titled “The Complete Dictionary of Symbols.”)

Roxanne Series Nine of Nine!

2004 – 2019

This series is my acceptance that she [Roxy] was and is the perpetual “other woman.” I miss her very much too!

Click images to view all printing options.

This perfection of a deeply missed heart throb of John’s. 

Watch Out! When ordering, the series intentionally isn’t in sequential order.

Black Cat
One of Nine Series
Three of Nine Series
Seven of Nine Series
Six of Nine Series
Four of Nine
Two of Nine
Click image to see museum quality printing option.
Nine of Series of Nine
Eight of Nine
Five of Nine Series