Artist named Darla

New book of a new series has just been released! Very exciting!

Press/Click up the link below to view!

New printing, new cover!

Good Sales so far!  Click to read description and order!

At this time, Darla is solitarily working on commission and several other special projects. Publicly, Darla is focusing to display in north San Diego County, such as in Julian, Ca., and as in the photo below, upcoming events. Check out the upcoming grove fests in Aguanga, CA. Sign up beforehand to be among the tasteful! An enormously beautiful tasting area is enhanced and named “Temecula Olive Oil Tasting” surrounded by a grove of OLIVE TREES. WSAG will feature artists at these grand events in March, May (Mother’s Day Wknd), & June (solstice weekend, Friday).

Call them ahead of time to be a part of these fun-filled events with much food, wine, music… fun! Coming soon. (sold out last year!)

Santa Ysabel. Linda! Carla at Olivenhain

Santa Ysabel Gallery fair. This is Your Honor, Lael.

She bought my Gaga mirror. Miss it.

See below the Darla description(s), a few photos of many buyers holding Darla’s art, (also on, some new) her work/education/experience.

Behind everyone’s unique story is their own genuine focus

In March, 2023, Darla wrote about processing: “Always am confronting layers! “

See Art, Knowledge, Learning for new discussions

Darla is still learning how to “embrace” challenges and to know what to be grateful about.

“When over analyzing, just try to ‘make it dear’ by creating when perplexed”

“This is exactly what my Makenlief name is for, is all about, by the way!”

“I create to feel a certain way, maybe one could say ‘for a dearness.’ It brings endorphins! We all know It is not easy to love what is going on all the time. Shifting the perspective works for many.

Olivenhain, November 2023…. Grace, Grace, KaLee and Carla

Three below, Carla, Christina C. and Christina. Thank you for your purchases!

“A big part of my creative process is to avoid a cliched appearance, finish!”

Left to Right, Cherilyn, Richard…..Laura, Matt…..Melanie!

Left to Right: Justice, Tammy, Kim & friend. Bottom is Alison, Sandy, Julie, …. then there is David.


“Improvements manifest when I optimize cautiousness and kill relaxed sloppiness, administer faith in ability. Walk my heart with my talk. Be true.”

She learns patience and tolerance while sketching out or reading or researching. Open to form ideas!

Art is one refuge and comfort. She’d love to hear what yours is someday. Do you know what it is?

After a quick sample stroll below to see art, read Darla’s work experience.

Darla the Artist

Scroll down to read education and work resume – a few inches down

Are you an artist? Ask about the “artisan processing” book. Add your descriptions!

Learn display locations and/or current discussion topics!

For the past few months more people are simply asking about incorporating their own unique wording(s) onto a new or an existing print!

See below (nearer to end of page, bottom) her education and a bit of her work history.

2021 Lake Hodges Artisan
Vet Rachel and RN Eric in Temecula. They will be calling me for a special project soon! Looking forward!
Thrift Store Purchase and Spray Paint. Works wonders. Darla’s favorite.
Rochelle bought the sister mirror. Temecula
Breaking It Alone, see sites’s Blue, Bold, and Brave
Pearl buying for her ailing mom. Temecula

Dear Sandy

Ruth P, met new friend who commissioned!! 🙂
Sarah’s Purchase
Michelle (Idyllwild) holding purchase of one of the paintings of Music.
She just lost her own cat.
Idyllwild. Kim holding purchase
Poway Father Eric and Son

And it sometimes arrives to a stage such as this!

Sarah, Idyllwild
Monica and Eric, Idyllwild


Darla earned her SDSU journalism BA decades ago, remaining a life-long student. She’s alert by how information is relayed: With her recently earned PCC library tech certification she’ll find resources. “I am over-curious, interested!” Rarely with another human’s directive, she seizes creativity time. It’s her salve when burdened with the “how & why of all this!” i.e., predicaments, quandaries… working art has always been a a task she can filter many life’s lessons into, it is a bonus. She’s worn many hats working projects within businesses & causes, and especially learned more during occasional misguidances.

Does each person have a unique, soul-purpose? If so, “find it! I’m lucky, have art!”

W h e r e v e r !  Prior to marrying her wonderful husband, John, her continuous “sphere-altering” associates, interests, and employment also helped bring her focus to where she is today. One especially mind-bending aspect about Darla is that she’ll be questioning perspective – whenever, whoever, whatever… because perspective is particularly interesting, no other reason.

Darla retired from a S.Cal community college as a reading lab department ADA (17yrs 2 CC’s) while also enjoying some work in the college library. During those years she served as an aid w/the City Fire Dept trauma team 24 hrs every weekend, 9 yrs.

Always while working on her ideas and her art.

During the 90’s at KZKI, LA/SB two counties’ last UHF TV station, Channel 30, a “built-to-be-sold” opportunity gave this artist, Darla, room to  focus on FCC regulation policies, hone computer skills, and schedule with buyers for the newly satellited station’s PSA’s (public service announcements), advertisements, and community program interviews. 

And continued to create ideas and show art. (Stored much!)

Before working at the then-titled KZKI, Darla enjoyed photographing and writing local news column articles based on the vantage points of the multi-programmed community service center  — calling for philanthropy.  She learned civic researching, submitting grant proposals, and planning events. Most pleasant times were with the many children’s programs, where Darla organized parties and showed magic, and face-painted during weekends! Fun clowning! She continued when referred after moving on from the community service center.

As we say, always an artist.

WORKING on her art HELPED HER during the trauma support years.  This spree reminded her that ALL life is indeed precious and fleeting.  Not many have the strength to witness, assess, inform and guide grieving individuals. Delicate days.

“It became too tough. Sad scenarios, you bet,” she says. “lengthy glimpses into human behaviors, each reacting differently while facing sudden loss, often very traumatic, always sorrowful.” Darla says she remembers many times returning home to utilize art therapy. “Peeling off experiences,  calmed  by creating.

Darla recommends Art Therapy, by Caroline Case, Tessa Dalley 

Personal Environments. What is with you?

Self-learning about your environment (inside and out) occurs daily. This increasingly complex society demands a longer, deeper look. We’re all among masterpieces – All of us are works of science and art. Keep your sight and fill your heart, and know your mind! Above all, continue learning!

Makenlief asks: How will you add to your personal environments?  Are you selecting objects and following ideas because YOU like them or because they seem popular, or because other people deemed them as valuable?

Find out what it is that resonates with YOU. Re-nourish. Deeper understanding of worlds around you could require upgrading your research methods! Whether it be art or your other chosen discipline, continue!

Ukrainian Village 2022



Ideas rain like a blessing within most ‘creatives’ Share your story. Use Contact Link. Darla is compiling Artist’s paragraphs describing creative inspiration.

Kelly, Kaya and Logan at Poway! Thank you!
Esquire heart ocean
Real Estate Lawyer, La Jolla. Barbara
Sharon Larimer from Vista Historical Museum
2022. Absolute love of learning and creating

“Ideas are best communicated whenever we learn about each other’s cultural values, life-styles, passions, focuses. Will your chosen art communicate with any existing areas?
Find out on a daily basis if you are thinking about ideas while looking at objects, or somehow managing to integrate an experience. Figure out the reasons how and why whatever drew your focus toward different elements or aspects. The female below is wearing “Perennial Wonderer” and if you click on the below image, you will see options.

Information and objects will draw your focus whenever you enter a new environment.

“Many of us work while also thinking of present and of future, of course, sprinkled with past — lessons while braiding interdependents! How do I feel when noticing beauty or reading something great, or listening to exquisite, original articulation? Aspects are for exploring. When someone or something draws new or fresh attention —the how & why become most important, the processing itself becomes the focus!”
Rosalinda made Darla’s day with her kindness and loveliness. She liked love shack house Thank you! The Poway Unified School District has a jewel working there!
Contact Darla for customized art and sayings on products. Let’s chat
First purchase of 4 custom made purchases! Linda! thx!

Terrific addition, this lady at Lake Hodges. Rosean
a mother of an artist was teaching her child “the art” of buying originals San Clemente Village Fair

Thirsty Tree – Prints available Now! Click image. To the left, see the woman wearing a shirt that says Perennial Wonderer! Click to see options.
Clyde and his adorable sons buying art at Bonsall Art Faire, Oct 23rd

By R. Konnelly, a member of an MCC Comm class who wrote and submitted this partial biography. The assignment: Select local artists for a 30-minute interview.

W h e r e v e r !  Prior to marrying, her continuous “sphere-altering” associates, interests, and employment also helped bring her focus to where she is today . One especially mind-bending aspect about Darla is that she’ll be questioning perspective – whenever, whoever, whatever…because perspective is particularly interesting to her, no other reason.

Art and Metacognition

Looking at art. Creating art. Constructing it mindfully. Both inspire and train the mind, interdependently working together. (Much info below is duplicated in the link called “Art, Knowledge and Learning”)

I would start with this to show how strength grows in beginning artists who examine their own skills; how awareness processing can help improve.

Using art to promote deeper learning. A study found benefits.

Metacognition and creativity. Interesting to discover how many artists find difficulty focusing in the world of academia!

For Those Interested in Art “Therapy” sessions through “personal investigation” click below. Private Group

Click image above (if you use F.B. to see
“Art ‘Therapy’ using Thorough PI”

Darla LOVEs to doodle while thinking about social psychology. This topic/subject inspires her cretaive

mind the most, so of course she figures other people like social psychology as well. … Here is a link to

social psychology. Social Psychology Links by Subtopic


From Darla:

The following is not for everyone, not many can understand, some try for a while, though…Each day, most of us are able to point out what types of knowledge others lack, but sometimes we are less able to identify what we ourselves need to learn more about: art, math, science, current events….many bits! Too many bits needed each day!

“Perspective is everything.” We’ve  heard that one… but  what?  Are you aware of what exactly  it is that you most frequently  search answers for? It is surprising that a lot of people haven’t thought that deeply about their own processing!  It’s unique for each person’s meta-cognitive function.   Don’t fear your “meta cog”  dig, it’s your individual journey’s essence! Sometimes people understand themselves and others much better while learning in a “meta way”. 

The above chart was copied from a Facebook Humor Group

Do you think it needs a slice called  “what you think you know but haven’t thoroughly studied” ?  Personally, that’s a slice I find shocking, awesome and humbling to admit!   I want to shrink the heck of my share! Know more?  Do you also have that slice?  Everyone does, like it or not! If you don’t like it, there is plenty you can do about it.

  For most people I’ve already talked with, here is a great website offering the latest research in multiple disciplines!  Fascinating to read about! And, the information is usually no cost to the reader!

Ever learn something which had at one time been very difficult for you to understand? There’s a good feeling when adding information and accurate data!  Our brains cells and schematic networks are suddenly rearranged a bit, like it or not! Each bit of new information alters our schematic make up, and our future understandings — of our own and other different viewpoints.

“Viewpoint” is one key here.

For myself,  many new ideas add and initiate a fresh creative process. In others, learning new things can add enough information while processing, enough to wonder and seek answers to how to move forward for further, more particular answers.  We’re all different in how and why and when and where we gather information.  

I try to follow or understand thought processes; how appreciators, comrades, and new buyers think. They sometimes are deep into a subject or want to know more about an object or topic. What skill fascinates them?   I learn all the time, I find out how much MORE there is available, more to notice, understand, know.  Beside personal joys and goals, questions will always form.   

Any liberal arts degree graduate or science degree graduate can attest to how curiosity spurs! Schema (knowledge frame base) & perspective together contribute to one’s learning.

The below assembled resources took many qualified minds dedicating energy to specialized arrivals of their studied field, getting closer to the truth — during peer reviewed processing.   Find out what it is you would like to know more about. Topics are there, waiting for your curious mind to be informed.. Available for you! Some cost nothing or little ..but WITH MUCH VALUE!~ 

Find your answers, or at least make an attempt to settle your current inquiries by asking, reading, researching.  One needn’t be brave to ask. Indexed resources are great tools, and librarians are always very kind and it is their job to help you locate resources.  

So, before venturing into a possibly endless Alice-In-Wonderland fruitless experience, first take a long glance at the link below.  Find an index at your local State or City College or City or County Library.Maybe the entity subscribes! Some indexes are completely open and free!   Professionals, scholars, specialists, researchers and other leaders have researched, built studies, and shared peer reviewed findings their entire lives. There you will understand how valid peer reviewed work is  peer reviewed  through many reviews in order to be “deemed” accurate. Information is found and exists to be published — for our eyes, into our minds! 

 Check out this up-to-date list of widely known subscription or free index data bases! A wonder world of knowledge awaits people who wonder.  Have fun, you wondering people!

TAKE A LOOK AT HOW STUDIED TOPICS are categorized and stored on this link below:

“Sure do wish I’d had these [below] data index links at my fingertips while earning my degree in college!  Everyday, though, I still refer to these links about anything going on within my schema or what might be the latest topic.  The first two links are incredible to format one’s start on their ‘pondering’ trips!” ….

Some of the included resources are not strictly bundled in subscription offerings and are more accessible than others, but take a look at the chart! 



To others who I have spoken with at fairs or events or over coffee, this PDF explains the importance of Civic Literacy.

And if you like to test yourself, do so here! You will learn a LOT!–nBlSVUPclxel40pmSJkuvafccUnnVehhIRc9uXakk

Social Psychology Appreciators!

For Critical Thinking Aptitudes, check yourself with below, linked article. Become abreast to great thinkers who know how to bounce off of those ugly manipulative persuasion attempts!  Artistic ones will bounce this off, learn to purely not be swayed by nonsense!  Always learning! Everyone, these days!  It is a must, in order to be prepared for what is next, what else can happen. 

Value Assumptions, descriptive assumptions, and other critical thinking issues

This is Darla and Mr. Jackson, an avid art enthusiast and buyer.
Christmas Day at Lake Discovery, he bought many angels and hearts and jacaranda earrings as gifts